October 22

Radio Show Episode #17 7 Key Real Estate Trends Going into 2024

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Welcome to "Real Estate Insights 2024," your gateway to the ever-evolving world of real estate. In this captivating episode, we embark on a fascinating journey to uncover and dissect the "7 Key Real Estate Trends Going into 2024." Buckle up as we explore the forces shaping the real estate landscape in the coming year and beyond.

Hosts of Episode #17

Logo Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

Rick Kendrick

Listen in to this week's episode where Rick and Karey discuss the latest market statistics for the South Florida real estate market. Additionally they provide listeners key tips to sell for more money. Rick is a Palm Beach Real Estate agent who hosts his own weekly radio talk show and podcast on a wide variety of real estate topics. 

Karey Kendrick
Logo Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

Karey Kendrick

Meet Karey Kendrick, your expert co-host for all things real estate on our podcast! With an impressive career spanning over 25 years, Karey is a seasoned and accomplished real estate broker. Her wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry make her the go-to authority for all matters related to buying, selling, and investing in properties.

Rick Kendrick Receive Multiple Cash offers on your home

7 Key Real Estate Trends Going into 2024

As we step into 2024, the real estate landscape continues to evolve, influenced by technological advancements, economic shifts, and changing consumer preferences. Whether you're a buyer, seller, investor, or industry professional, staying informed about emerging trends is essential for making informed decisions. In this blog post, we'll delve into seven key real estate trends shaping the market as we move through 2024.

  1. Sustainable Development and Green Initiatives: With increasing awareness about climate change and environmental sustainability, the real estate industry is witnessing a significant shift towards eco-friendly development practices. Developers are incorporating sustainable features such as energy-efficient appliances, green building materials, and renewable energy sources into their projects. Additionally, there's a growing demand for properties with green certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), as environmentally-conscious buyers seek to minimize their carbon footprint.
  2. Rise of Co-Living Spaces: The concept of co-living, which involves shared housing arrangements with communal amenities, is gaining traction among young professionals and millennials. These arrangements offer affordability, flexibility, and a sense of community, appealing to individuals seeking a more social and collaborative living experience. Developers and investors are capitalizing on this trend by creating purpose-built co-living spaces in urban centers, catering to the evolving lifestyle preferences of the younger demographic.
  3. Remote Work Influence on Housing Preferences: The widespread adoption of remote work has reshaped the way people view their living spaces. With the flexibility to work from anywhere, many individuals are prioritizing features like home offices, high-speed internet connectivity, and outdoor spaces conducive to remote work. Subsequently, suburban and rural areas are experiencing increased demand as people seek larger homes with more outdoor space and a quieter environment, away from the hustle and bustle of urban centers.
  4. Continued Urban Revitalization: Despite the remote work trend, urban centers remain attractive for their cultural amenities, job opportunities, and vibrant lifestyle. Cities are undergoing revitalization efforts aimed at creating more livable, walkable, and sustainable environments. This includes initiatives such as pedestrian-friendly streets, mixed-use developments, and the repurposing of underutilized spaces. As urban areas evolve to meet the changing needs of residents, real estate investment opportunities abound in these dynamic markets.
  5. Embrace of PropTech Solutions: The integration of technology into the real estate sector, known as PropTech, continues to revolutionize various aspects of the industry. From virtual property tours and online transaction platforms to AI-powered market analysis and smart home automation, technology is enhancing efficiency, transparency, and accessibility throughout the real estate lifecycle. Embracing PropTech solutions has become essential for real estate professionals looking to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
  6. Affordable Housing Initiatives: The affordability crisis remains a pressing issue in many housing markets, prompting governments, nonprofits, and private sector entities to collaborate on solutions. Initiatives such as affordable housing tax credits, inclusionary zoning policies, and public-private partnerships aim to increase the supply of affordable housing and ensure access to safe and decent shelter for all income levels. Addressing affordability challenges is crucial for fostering equitable and sustainable communities.
  7. Growing Interest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): As investors seek diversification and stable returns, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are gaining popularity as a vehicle for accessing the real estate market. REITs allow investors to pool their resources to invest in a diversified portfolio of income-generating properties, ranging from commercial real estate to residential rental properties and infrastructure projects. With the potential for regular dividends and capital appreciation, REITs offer an attractive investment opportunity in today's uncertain economic climate.

Conclusion: As we navigate through 2024, these seven real estate trends are poised to shape the future of the industry. From sustainability and technological innovation to shifts in housing preferences and investment strategies, staying abreast of these developments is essential for navigating the dynamic and ever-changing real estate market. Whether you're a homeowner, investor, or industry professional, adapting to these trends will be key to success in the years to come.

Transcript of Episode #17

Dave Sturgeon: 

Welcome to the your Home Sold Guaranteed Radio Show, where you get advice you can trust, From the latest real estate trends to the best mortgage rates, from curb appeal to home warranty. This is the show that will help you save and make the most money when it comes to buying or selling your most valuable asset. Now here's your host, broker and founder of your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida, Rick Kendrick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Happy Sunday, everybody. Welcome to your Home. Sold Guaranteed Radio Show. This is Rick Kendrick and my partner, carrie Kendrick. How are you doing this morning?

Karey Kendrick: 

I'm doing great, Rick. Thank you for having me on your show.

Rick Kendrick: 

Oh well, it's our show. So you know you're the one when we deal with numbers. I want you to be talking about the real numbers here, because I think it's pretty important. So I know the new numbers are out now, right.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yes, so we did get you know year to date, as of you know going into the final quarter of the year.

Rick Kendrick: 

So I know it's Sunday morning, so I want you to go ahead and get an extra cup of coffee because I'm going to be throwing some numbers at you here. But I want you to just pay attention that these numbers are going up, not down, like they talk about nationally. All right, and it's because I believe where we live at, oh, without a doubt, we do live in paradise. We talk to agents all across the United States and even in Canada on a weekly basis and they just do not talk the same tone that we talk about how numbers are trending up. They talk about numbers trending down. Not as many buyers out there, not as many sellers out there, interest rates, everything you can think of on a negative side. But, quite honestly, if you're a buyer out there, you have a great opportunity to make a purchase here. Or if you're a seller, you have a great opportunity because prices are going up and continue to be that way, right, Kerry?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah for sure. So understanding the real estate market and the dynamics of what's happening is an important part of a buyer or seller Okay, if you're planning on making a move, you want to have a good understanding of what is happening in the marketplace.

Rick Kendrick: 

So you know, let's just start off real quick about inventories. So you were telling me this past week about inventories and we track very closely because we want to be able to express this information to the buyers and sellers that we work with what's going on in each individual county, correct? Kerry?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so we're in the Southeast Florida market. Okay, we're actually out of Palm Beach County, but we do cover, you know, martin St Lucy, and of course we monitor what's happening in Broward County as well.

Rick Kendrick: 

Actually, sometimes we include Dade County, correct.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, we will. If we notice that the numbers are getting skewed and we're kind of questioning as why it's occurring, we will go ahead and pull in the Dade County numbers and see if that's having an effect on our numbers.

Rick Kendrick: 

So what's really interesting here and I want you to hear this when Kerry's talking about it is how Dade County's inventories are up as far as a sorption rate right or inventories, and ours is still at that kind of that seller's market type feel.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so for sure, we're still experiencing a seller's market and we have been all year long okay, up to this point of the year been in that three to four months level of inventory. But that contrasts that to Dade, and they're up to about five months of inventory.

Rick Kendrick: 

So Dade County is up to over five months of inventory correct.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yes, but understand that is still considered a seller's market. It's not until we're getting above six months of inventory on the market do we consider it sort of transitioning more into a buyer's market.

Rick Kendrick: 

So mostly the markets that we can contend with or deal with is Palm Beach County, st Lucie, broward and Martin County, and all those numbers are in the threes. Is that right?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, in the three to four month range.

Rick Kendrick: 

So you got to understand here. I mean, there are still somewhat what we call a shortage of homes, but there's a reason behind it and we're going to get to that here in a second with our numbers. So let's just kind of go through the numbers or maybe pick just maybe one county, or we can kind of go through them all, whichever you prefer.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so we do have stats on the different counties throughout our marketplace. So if you are in, let's say, martin County or St Lucie County and you're interested in hearing, like, what is going on with the numbers in your area, reach out to us. We'd be more than happy to provide that with you. I'll just touch on Palm Beach just briefly. So, year to date, the average sales price is up 4.6% and it's hovering right around 714,000 for the average sales price.

Rick Kendrick: 

So here's how the numbers are trending up again, continuing to trend up. I really don't think we've had a show where we've said, hey, the numbers are down, have we?

Karey Kendrick: 

No, and we're looking every month because we're trying to gauge. You know what is happening and what trends can the sellers that we're working with expect if they're considering a sale?

Rick Kendrick: 

So here's the thing we want to make sure that you're just as educated about the situation as we are when we're dealing with this. Okay, because we can make a better decision for you as a buyer, to negotiate the best terms and the best conditions for you and the best price as a seller. We can get you at market okay, at market price or get a little bit more than that, but it just depends. But these are the numbers that we look at. Okay, so the average sales price was up 11% or 10%.

Karey Kendrick: 

The average sales price year to date is up 4% and the median sales price is up 6%. So the median sales price year to date in Palm Beach County is right at 450.

Rick Kendrick: 

Okay, Gary, let's talk about this just a little bit, because I think it's pretty important. We were talking about this earlier List price, sales price, right? So list price is what we listed at. Sales price is what it sells for. I'm looking at these numbers and there's a sharp contrast. Okay, If I take the average list price, is it a 10% increase? Yes, Okay. So let's take the average sale price. The average sale price, all right. What is that telling us?

Karey Kendrick: 

Well, I think the reason that this conversation got started earlier, before we got to the station, about what's been happening with the numbers in our marketplace, was we noticed that there was a large increase in the number of days on market. So we started to dive a little bit deeper into why are we still experiencing an increase in our median sales price, an increase in our average sales price, yet we are experiencing an increase in the days on the market, and so we came up with one of the reasons is there's a big discrepancy between what the sellers are asking for their homes versus what the homes are actually selling for.

Rick Kendrick: 

Sellers beware. Okay, I can tell you for a fact and by experience if you price your property at market and we'll give you that number okay, if you price it at market, the buyers will come out. I can tell you a lot of buyers today are paying cash. I can just say that right fact. I mean the transactions that we've done this past week. Close to 80% of them are saying I'm going to pay cash for it. Is that right, carrie?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yes, it is yeah.

Rick Kendrick: 

It's incredible. So it just shows you that you know. Number one there's buying power out there. Number two it's irrelevant to the interest rate. Okay, what it really is relative to is the price. The buyer wants to get a fair price and I can do that for you. I can come out, take a look at your property, walk through it kind of, give you some tips on what to do and what not to do, but, more importantly, sit down with you and show you that bottom line number, what you're going to get in your pocketbook. Okay. So that's free of charge. And if it's time for you to sell, it's time for you to sell. If it isn't, that's okay. We can get back together later on when you're ready to go. So, carrie, you know, here's the thing. We just love the opportunity to be on the radio to talk to our listeners today, right, we're out there every single day meeting home sellers and home buyers and we do love talking to them about real estate. So if anyone out there is considering to make a move, we'd love the opportunity to interview for the job. Give us a call at 561-901-3333. That's 561-901-3333 or rickhasdabirescom. After the break, we're going to dive into our topic today Seven key real estate trends for the upcoming year of 2024. Believe it or not, this is October, folks, so our trends let's start talking about those right now. For you, we'll be right back.

Dave Sturgeon: 

The schedule and appointment with Rick Kendrick to help you buy or sell your home. Call 561-901-3333 or go to rickhasdabirescom. Rick will be right back with more of the your Home Sold. Guaranteed Radio Show here on NewsTalk 850 WFTL.

Jennifer Ross: 

So you've decided to sell your home, but you really don't know which real estate agent to call. Hi, it's Jennifer. Let me put your mind at ease. Call my friend Rick Kendrick, from your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida. Let me put it to you this way Rick is so confident in his marketing system to attract the right buyer for your home that he guarantees to sell your home at a price and a timeline that you agree to, or he'll buy it for cash. Nobody else does that. For example, there's John and Maria. They were trying to sell their home in Wellington. They needed an agent who could sell it for them quickly with as few inconveniences as possible. Rick met with them right away, listened to their needs and then immediately put his marketing system into action. After only one showing, their home was under contract in just three days. And, best of all, rick was able to net John and Maria over $40,000 more than the home that sold across the street, which was the exact same model and floor plan. Just another success story as to why you should call Rick Kendrick 561-901-3333. That's 561-901-3333. Or visit rickhasthebuyerscom.

Eric Rosemary: 

Hi, I'm Eric Rosemary, branch manager at Cross Country Mortgage in Boca Raton. If you're deciding which lender to trust, whether you're purchasing or refinancing, I would love the opportunity to work with you. Over my 20 year career, I've helped close to 10,000 families buy or refinance the place they call home. Despite what you're hearing about interest rates, you might be surprised, as what we can do for you, let's talk, call or text me at 954-312-3104 or visit rosemarymortgageteamcom.

Dave Sturgeon: 

If you're ready to buy or sell your home and would like to schedule an appointment with Rick, call 561-901-3333 or go to rickhasthebuyerscom. Now back to the your home sold guaranteed radio show and your host, Rick Kendrick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Hey, welcome back from the break. This segment. We're going to be talking about our seven key real estate trends for the upcoming year and you're going to probably be a little bit surprised at what we're going to be saying here. You know low inventory is likely will continue through 2024 in our market. High demand, stricter lending standards may make a repeat of the great recession unlikely. Economists like our favorite friend Zillow estimates a 6.5% rise in value. Is that right, karen?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, it sure is. I think that that's just basically attributed to the lack of inventory. Still right, there aren't enough homes.

Rick Kendrick: 

Yeah, and the other thing is the pricing of it. So let's take this first one. As far as a key real estate trends, you know people are using more and more technology. Okay, Remains to be the key driver in our, in our industries, right, Karen?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, for sure. So technology is a vital part of our industry, for sure, prop tech is what it's referred to as. So these companies are getting into virtual reality, right? Ai we've all heard of chat, gpt. Okay, these automations of our processes and everything likely will continue to trend, making it easier for, you know, home buyers and home sellers and real estate agents to do business.

Rick Kendrick: 

So you know what we experience here, okay, is that about now? October, november and December? Our folks up north, our friends up north that come down, are going to be calling us and saying hey, Rick, do you have any homes available that I can take a look at? And I'll go, yeah, sure, whenever you get no, no, no, I want to take a look at them online and I want you to. I want you to go to the property which I don't have a problem with. Go to the property and do it. Let's do a FaceTime and, believe it or not, they'll make me do that to like two or three homes which I do not have a problem with. Okay, and then, on top of that, they may even say hey, rick, you know what? I can't wait to make an offer. I'd like to get into that house when I come down here for the winter months. Can we go ahead and make an offer? It's incredible, right, carrie? And it's happening more and more.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, it makes things more convenient, for sure. Right, so you know, you have the millennials and the Generation Z. Their search preferences are all digital.

Rick Kendrick: 

Yeah, and they were living with their parents right the whole time. Their parents may be kicking them out, or they saved enough money living with their parents. Now they're ready to go ahead and buy a house.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so they're struggling, obviously, with student debt, right? So the cost of going to school has become extremely astronomical for these young kids. So they've accumulated a lot of debt. But at the same time, you know, they've lived with their parents perhaps longer than we might have when we were their age, and they've managed to save up some money and they're using that money to move themselves into home ownership and also a lot of investment properties they're buying up as well.

Rick Kendrick: 

They are a very educated buyer. Today. I think when I deal with a young person and when I say young I'm saying that you know the early 30s, mid 30s these folks they know their numbers and they know where they want to be on each thing. So I say it works out very well for us. So one other thing that I probably want to look at pretty strong with is this green construction process that's going on right now. Kerry, the environmental awareness is driving up the demand of of properties.

Karey Kendrick: 

Absolutely Sustainable housing. Energy efficiency right. Buyers are looking for properties that have a low carbon footprint, so a lot of builders are now, as standard practice, offering a lot of these features that they didn't years ago but are now standard.

Rick Kendrick: 

Yeah, I mean even the government's getting into the game, right, they're offering tax benefits to people who get solar panels.

Karey Kendrick: 

Absolutely A lot of incentives, right? It's tax credits and so on for either upgrading your existing home whether that's appliances, putting on solar panels, upgrading your lighting fixtures and so on.

Rick Kendrick: 

Yeah, high impact windows. Obviously every other commercial you see on TV today it's either an attorney or high impact windows, right?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, and smart home features as well right, so they enable us to conserve water, making sure that the sprinkler system is on timers right. And then we have the Nest thermostats, which are, you know, they can sense when we're leaving our homes so they can adjust the thermostat temperature up. So there's a lot of new advances that's going on. That's great to see, and we'll continue, for sure, until 2024.

Rick Kendrick: 

The growing awareness of climate change is here in Florida, with solar panels, high impact windows, smart homes those are and, like I said, the government's into the game and they will give tax advantages to that. For me, that's a big trend that's going to be happening in 2024. Everybody out there, as far as a buyer whenever I walk a buyer through the house, you know the questions they ask me is that high impact windows? Do they have solar panels? Is it? How old is the roof? Those are the questions they ask. So those things can be improved quickly by the seller and show improvement to the property. Right? Here's the other thing I've noticed about what your trends are going. Okay, we're seeing people moving out of the city in Palm Beach County and moving west. Right.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yes, we're going to get a whole new city, westlake.

Rick Kendrick: 

Westlake. My earlier year is a real estate which was 15 years ago. Okay, I was showing property out in Lacksahatchee, which is way west of here, in that $250,000 to $300,000 range. The average house out there is probably about $600,000 or $700,000. They even have properties out there over a million bucks. So people are moving out. The other thing is, too, is when you get to the east side of Palm Beach County obviously things get very, very expensive. So to see value, they're moving out there and getting more land, more house at a greater value, right.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, for sure. I think that's also the trend up north, right, even outside of Palm Beach County, right. We have a lot of folks who are considering the Port St Lucie area. In many instances, they can buy a practically brand new or even, in some cases, a brand new home for $375,000, $400,000.

Rick Kendrick: 

You know, I know some folks who are thinking about maybe buying an investment property, right, but this has become a big thing and I believe people who are looking at that are smart. All right, because what they're doing is that they're planning their future. If they buy one property per year for the next seven years, they'll be ready to go for retirement because the value of homes, as we just said earlier, keep on going up on an annualized basis.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so the trend for Airbnb's and VRBO's, that is something that is very appealing to millennials, okay, and also to Generation Z. They're into this, okay, and I mean we see people coming from California to Florida with the sole purpose of buying these investment properties.

Rick Kendrick: 

So anyway, I think those things are really strong and what those trends are going to be going on for the next you know, in 2024, don't you agree?

Karey Kendrick: 

Absolutely. And it's interesting because, you know, we have spoken to several folks recently who do have investments. We have a relationship with a real estate agent up in the Smoky Mountain region and he has a whole business that he refers to as cash flow cabins, all right, so basically they're turnkey investment opportunities for folks. And then, of course, we know of one woman recently who has a condo down in the Keys and it nets her 55K a year. So these investment properties, these Airbnb's, this can actually be a really great investment opportunity for, let's say, a baby boomer who may not have the retirement you know set aside or saved up. It's almost like having a second job whenever you're retiring.

Rick Kendrick: 

Listen, I wasn't able to go over all of them the seven key real estate trends for 2024, but you can get this. I can send you the information on this. You can either call me or text me at 561-901-3333. That's 561-901-3333 or rickhansabuyerscom. I'll send this information to you. It's pretty good information. So after the break, we're going to be talking about our feature listing of the week, our buyers and waiting program, and also I want to talk to you agents out there that might be interested in making a move here, moving from where you're at right now and getting with a team that makes it happen for you in this market of real estate. Hey, listen, we'll be right back. This is Rick Kendrick. With your home sold, guarantee real show. We'll be right back.

Dave Sturgeon: 

The schedule and appointment with Rick Kendrick to help you buy or sell your home. Call 561-901-3333 or go to RickHansabuyerscom. Rick will be right back with more of the your Home Sold. Guaranteed Radio Show here on NewsTalk 850 WFTL.

Jennifer Ross: 

Hi, it's Jennifer Ross and you know if you've been thinking about selling your home, you already know that the only agent that I would recommend to you is my friend, rick Kendrick. He's a broker and founder of your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida. Now what about the listener who would love Rick to sell but doesn't want to deal with the headaches of cleaning, staging, holding open houses and all that other stuff?

Rick Kendrick: 

Well, Jen, we have the perfect solution. First of all, we always like to make our traditional home selling process stress free. But for the listener who doesn't want to fix up their place, who is inherited a home or simply wants a fast, hassle free sale, we can make them an immediate cash offer and for that seller to get the most amount of money for their home.

Jennifer Ross: 

Come on, you can do that.

Rick Kendrick: 

Absolutely, Jen. We'll come right over, praise the home, make you a fast, fair cash offer and close as little as three weeks.

Jennifer Ross: 

Cash in your hand hard to beat it. Call Rick Kendrick right now, 561-901-3333. That's 561-901-3333. Or visit rickhasthebuyerscom.

Eric Rosemary: 

Hi, I'm Eric Rosemary, branch manager at Cross Country Mortgage in Boca Raton. If you're deciding which lender to trust, whether you're purchasing or refinancing, I would love the opportunity to work with you. Over my 20 year career, I've helped close to 10,000 families buy or refinance the place they call home. Despite what you're hearing about interest rates, you might be surprised, as what we can do for you, let's talk, call or text me at 954-312-3104 or visit rosemarymortgageteamcom.

Dave Sturgeon: 

If you're ready to buy or sell your home and would like to schedule an appointment with Rick, call 561-901-3333 or go to rickhasthebuyerscom. Now back to the your home sold guaranteed radio show and your host, Rick Kendrick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Welcome back everybody to our show. When we talk about what's going on in the market and how sellers price property, I'm going to give you an example that things really happen the right way and show you that there are buyers out there. So I don't know if my listeners out there last week heard me talking about a property in Delray Beach. It was a three bedroom, two bath and I said this is this thing's going to go quick. It was priced at 375. Now listeners, sellers pay attention to what I'm saying. The seller says I want to sell to market. I priced it to market. It did need some work. Just to let you know that went on the market and the same day I got 15 offers. I had 35 inquiries on this property. 80% of the offers that we got were all cash and we can do this for you. We can do this for you with a free market evaluation. So anyway, carry, you know we had like seven new buyers come in sitting at our table last week and we got them pre-approved, ready to go. Is that right?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah. So it's interesting because, you know, we have a lot of buyers that are reaching out to us and there is this lack of inventory that we're continuing to experience, as we've mentioned earlier in the show here, and so what we like to do is we like to sit down with folks at the beginning of our relationship and we kind of like to really dig in deep into what it is that they're looking for. So, in all likelihood, the property that they're ultimately going to end up buying isn't even on the market yet. So the better of an understanding we can have as to what it is you're looking for. That way, you know, as soon as that property comes across our desk, we'll be able to put you in the best position to go after it and to win, especially if you're in the price range where you would be competing against multiple offers.

Rick Kendrick: 

So after the show here, kerry, you know I got a couple of appointments at our office and I'm going to be sitting down with a couple buyers, and what I've already done already is I had Eric Rosemary with Cross Country Mortgage get them pre-approved, all right. So, which is very, very important Now I know the parameters of how far they can go as far as loan value is concerned, and what we're going to do is that we're going to sit down with them in about 20 minutes. We're going to figure out what they're looking for and pick out a few houses and within 72 hours 72 hours I'm going to get out there and I'm going to be showing them property. More importantly, you know every buyer that works with us. Not only do we give them a guarantee okay, that we'll guarantee that home for the next 24 months. If they're not happy with that house, my gosh, we'll sell it for free. We'll get out there and find you another one. Number two we offer every one of our buyers a 12 month guarantee on all their appliances, which includes their AC system, and at any time they're not happy with our services, just let us know. We'll go our separate ways, no cost to you at all. So just to let you know, we are here for you at any time to work with you. As far as finding that, house Sellers were here to show that, like that house in Delray, 15 offers. 80% of them were all cash and, by the way, seller, my seller, my seller got the terms and conditions because he wanted to stay in the house for another 60 days. And the buyer says, hey, no problem, so we got all cash. I got a one day inspection period Plus. He got to stay in the house for another 60 days.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so this is the big benefit of pricing your house correctly right out of the gate. Okay, if you price it too high, you're gonna have to go through a series of price reductions and you're not gonna have the benefit of choice. So in this scenario that Rick just ran through, the seller was able to lay out all the offers and he was able to get the terms that he wanted. All right, and that is what comes with the benefit of choice.

Rick Kendrick: 

So I wanna just kind of take this time right here, these final seconds that we have here, carrie, and talk to the full time agents that wanna work for a very professional brokerage firm like the Rick Kendrick real estate team, right, yeah, so we're going into the final quarter of the year, okay, and with our team, we actually sit down with them and put together a plan to meet their 2024 goals at the beginning of October.

Karey Kendrick: 

All right, there tends to be this two to three month lag in real estate. So if you are out there and you are unhappy with the current brokerage that you're at and you're looking to make a change, I would suggest to reach out to Rick. He'd be more than happy to sit down with you and tell you all of the amazing benefits that come along with joining our team.

Rick Kendrick: 

Every Thursday, carrie, I meet with agents at 10 am at our office and go through an orientation of what our plan is, what our goals are, what our vision is as a team. All right, real estate agents and I'm just looking at full time agents please, if you are looking to get on a team that works to make your goals in life because I want you to be balanced out professionally and personally if you're looking for an opportunity that gives you leads and appointments, I want you to give me a call, okay, at 561-901-3333, that's 561-901-3333. Well, book an appointment. You'll come in Thursday morning. You'll spend probably about 45 minutes with me. I'll show you the big plan that we're gonna do here in our market. I can promise you you'll be happy. All right, folks, thank you for taking time to listen to us today. This is Rick Kendrick with your Homesoul Guarantee Realty Show serving the southeast coast of Florida. Our network extends all across the country, including Canada. Call me or text me at 561-901-3333. I'd like to thank Carrie again for giving us up to date numbers. Please tune in next week at Sunday at 10 am on WFTL 850 News Talk Radio. See you next week.

Dave Sturgeon: 

You've been listening to the your Homesoul Guaranteed Radio Show with broker owner Rick Kendrick Heard every Sunday morning here on News Talk 850 WFTL. Rick's company name is his promise, your Homesoul Guaranteed Realty To speak directly to Rick about buying or selling your home. Call now to schedule an appointment 561-901-3333,. Or visit rickhasthebuyerscom and mark your calendar to join Rick again next week at the same time for the your Homesoul Guaranteed Radio Show here on News Talk 850 WFTL.

About the author 

Rick Kendrick

Rick Kendrick, a Palm Beach Realtor, is the proud owner of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida. With an exceptional track record, Rick has earned the distinction of being an award-winning real estate agent, placing him among the top one percent of agents in the industry. Headquartered in North Palm Beach, Florida, Rick leads his own Real Estate Team, covering the Southeastern region of Florida, while also maintaining a vast network of agents throughout North America.

Rick's outstanding achievements have not only impressed his clients but have also captured the attention and admiration of prominent media outlets and celebrities alike. Renowned platforms such as Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC have featured Rick, showcasing his expertise to audiences far and wide. His real estate acumen and remarkable success stories have also been shared on popular radio stations, including 850 WFTL News Talk and Sunny 107.9 FM. Listeners are captivated by Rick's wealth of knowledge and his unwavering passion for the industry.

In addition to his accomplishments as a real estate agent, Rick Kendrick is also the charismatic host of a captivating Real Estate Talk Show. Every week, Rick invites esteemed guest co-hosts to join him, creating a dynamic and insightful experience for his audience. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, Rick engages in thought-provoking discussions with his guests, sharing valuable insights, trends, and tips related to the real estate market. The talk show serves as an educational platform, not only for viewers seeking knowledge but also as a stage for industry professionals to share their experiences and expertise. Anyone interested in the world of real estate would find Rick's talk show to be a must-watch, as it offers a unique opportunity to learn and stay informed.


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