August 13

Radio Show Episode #7 Prepping for Success: Overcoming Deal Killers in Home Sales

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Prepping for Success: Overcoming Deal Killers in Home Sales


Join host Rick Kendrick, a seasoned Palm Beach real estate agent, as he unveils the intricacies of prepping for success in home sales. In this enlightening episode of "Real Estate Unveiled," listeners will gain access to proven strategies, expert insights, and valuable advice to navigate the complexities of selling a home.

With a wealth of experience in the dynamic Palm Beach real estate market, Rick Kendrick takes the audience on a journey through the episode titled "Prepping for Success: Overcoming Deal Killers in Home Sales." This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for sellers, whether they are novices or industry veterans, offering actionable tips and time-tested methods.

Hosts of Episode #7

Logo Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

Rick Kendrick

Listen in to this week's episode where Rick and Karey discuss the latest market statistics for the South Florida real estate market. Additionally they provide listeners key tips to sell for more money. Rick is a Palm Beach Real Estate agent who hosts his own weekly radio talk show and podcast on a wide variety of real estate topics. 

Karey Kendrick
Logo Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

Karey Kendrick

Meet Karey Kendrick, your expert co-host for all things real estate on our podcast! With an impressive career spanning over 25 years, Karey is a seasoned and accomplished real estate broker. Her wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry make her the go-to authority for all matters related to buying, selling, and investing in properties.

Selling a home is a significant endeavor that requires careful planning and execution. To ensure a successful home sale, it's crucial to address potential deal killers – obstacles that can jeopardize the sale process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into proven strategies and actionable insights that will empower you to navigate the challenges of home sales with confidence.

From pricing your home right to addressing inspections and contingencies, we'll cover every aspect to help you achieve a seamless and profitable home selling experience.

Prepping for Success: Overcoming Deal Killers in Home Sales

Selling your home can be a rewarding experience, but it's not without its hurdles. To ensure your home sale process goes smoothly, it's essential to proactively address potential deal killers that could derail your efforts.

Pricing Your Property Competitively

One of the first steps in prepping for a successful home sale is setting the right price. If your property is overpriced, it can scare off potential buyers, leading to extended time on the market. On the other hand, pricing it too low could lead to financial loss. Conduct thorough market research and consider consulting a real estate agent to determine the optimal price point.

Enhancing Curb Appeal

First impressions matter, and the exterior of your home sets the tone for potential buyers. Boost your home's curb appeal by maintaining a well-manicured lawn, trimming bushes, and applying a fresh coat of paint if needed. A welcoming exterior can entice buyers to explore further.

Home Staging for Visual Appeal

Staging your home can make a significant difference in how buyers perceive your space. Depersonalize your home by removing personal items and clutter. Arrange furniture in a way that showcases the potential of each room. Consider hiring a professional stager to create an inviting atmosphere that resonates with buyers.

Addressing Home Inspection Concerns

Home inspections are a standard part of the home buying process. Be proactive by conducting your inspection before listing your home. This allows you to identify and address potential issues beforehand, ensuring a smoother inspection for potential buyers.

Handling Contingencies with Finesse

Contingencies are conditions that must be met for the sale to proceed. These can include inspections, appraisals, and loan approvals. Work closely with your real estate agent to navigate contingencies efficiently, ensuring that each step is completed within the specified timeframe.

Showcasing Energy Efficiency

Incorporate energy-efficient features into your home to attract environmentally-conscious buyers. Consider installing energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and insulation. Highlighting these features not only appeals to buyers' eco-friendly sensibilities but can also lead to long-term cost savings.

Effective Online Marketing

In today's digital age, online marketing plays a crucial role in attracting potential buyers. Utilize high-quality photos, virtual tours, and engaging property descriptions to showcase your home's best features. Leverage social media platforms and real estate websites to reach a broader audience.

Negotiating Wisely

Negotiations are a fundamental part of the home selling process. Approach negotiations with an open mind and be willing to compromise on certain aspects. A skilled negotiator can bridge the gap between buyer and seller, ensuring a mutually beneficial outcome.

Providing Full Disclosure

Honesty is key when it comes to disclosing information about your property. Address any known issues upfront to build trust with potential buyers. Failing to disclose important information can lead to legal issues down the line.

Managing Emotional Attachment

Selling a home can be an emotional experience, especially if you've created lasting memories there. While it's natural to feel attached, try to view the process from a business perspective. This mindset shift can make it easier to make practical decisions and negotiate effectively.


What Are Deal Killers in Home Sales?

Deal killers are issues that arise during the home selling process and can potentially lead to the collapse of a sale. These issues range from pricing problems to unresolved contingencies.

How Can I Determine the Right Listing Price?

To determine the right listing price, conduct thorough market research, consider the current market trends, and consult with a real estate professional who has local market expertise.

Should I Consider Home Staging?

Yes, home staging can significantly impact buyers' perception of your property. It helps potential buyers visualize themselves living in the space, potentially leading to quicker and more competitive offers.

What Happens During a Home Inspection?

A home inspection involves a professional inspector evaluating the condition of your property, identifying any issues or needed repairs. This process helps buyers make informed decisions and negotiate based on the findings.

How Can I Effectively Market My Home Online?

To market your home effectively online, use high-quality photos, virtual tours, and detailed property descriptions. Leverage social media platforms and real estate websites to reach a wider audience.

How Should I Handle Negotiations?

Approach negotiations with flexibility and a willingness to compromise. Enlist the help of an experienced real estate agent who can navigate negotiations on your behalf.


Prepping for success in home sales requires a combination of strategic planning, effective marketing, and skillful negotiation. By addressing potential deal killers head-on and implementing the strategies discussed in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to achieve a seamless and successful home selling experience. Remember, enlisting the guidance of a knowledgeable real estate professional can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of the market. Here's to a successful and profitable home sale journey!

Preparing Your Home for Sale

Transcript of Episode #7

Dave Sturgeon: 

Welcome to the your Home Sold Guaranteed Radio Show, where you get advice you can trust, from the latest real estate trends to the best mortgage rates, from curb appeal to home warranty. This is the show that will help you save and make the most money when it comes to buying or selling your most valuable asset. Now here's your host, broker and founder of your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida, rick Kendrick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Hey, good morning everybody. It's Sunday and it's Rick Kendrick, your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Show. We just love the opportunity to be on radio with you here today. If you know anybody considering to make a move, we would love the opportunity to interview for the job. So give us a call at 561901333 or visit rickhasthebuyerscom. So we have Kerry Kendrick. Kerry, how's it going this morning?

Karey Kendrick: 

Oh, better than good. Thank you for having me back on your show.

Rick Kendrick: 

We had a couple days off this past week and went over to the West Coast of Florida and vetched out a little bit, but we're back in the game here. In fact, when we got back, our team which is a great team had a couple properties that went on the contract and we're going to be telling you about those today. But let's get down to a point here of what I think is pretty important, and I'm just going to hit you with some numbers right off the bat. This is what I call key point indicators. Now, when I say that, these are slight moves to negative or positive, but it starts to take a trend here. So that's the reason why I hit these with you first thing in the morning, because I want you to you know, take a hold of this right up front and then go with us what we're going to talk about today. So, kerry, one of the key and the point indicators I show is absorption rate. In May it was 4.1 and in June it was 3.9 months. Can you kind of tell me what that absorption rate means?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so that's the number of months of inventory that is currently available in the market right now. So the reason that we're so closely monitoring that is to see if we're trending up or down. So if the months of inventory is rising, ok, that can put pressure on home prices, but if the trend is going down right, then the prices continue to either remain steady or inch up just a little bit.

Rick Kendrick: 

When you mentioned inventories, that's a good point, because inventories are starting to trend down again. Active listings, Kerry. When I say active new listings, in May it was 12,000 units and in June it's 10,000 units. Kind of give me a brief analogy of that.

Karey Kendrick: 

So the inventory goes along with the absorption rate. So again, the less homes that are on the market, the less likely we are to see a drop in home prices.

Rick Kendrick: 

There you go, the price ratio. Ok, sale to list price ratio. What is that, Kerry?

Karey Kendrick: 

The list to sales price ratio is an indicator to us as to how accurately the homes are being priced. So let's say, for example, on a $500,000 home, OK, if it were to sell for $475, that means that it's a 95% ratio. Ok, and so, again, what we're looking for here is trends up or down, right. So if we were to see downward pressure on that list price to sales ratio, that would tell us that the market could potentially be softening. But that's not what we're seeing as of right now.

Rick Kendrick: 

So in May the sale to list price ratio was 94% and in June it was 95%. It's remaining pretty steady. Ok, days on the market, kerry. Month of May there was 58 days on the market before they completed. In June it took a downturn, meaning the last days on the market of 55 days.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so that's a pretty minimal variation between the two months. But again, what we're looking for is trends overall in the marketplace. Ok, and we're trying to sort of judge, like, where is the real estate market headed? Okay, and given the stats that we continue to see month after month, it is just basically reinforcing the lack of inventory that we are still experiencing in our marketplace. So that's why we have not seen a drastic reduction in home prices in our marketplace.

Rick Kendrick: 

Pay attention, sellers. I'm telling you for a fact these may be minute indications or trends, but it is a trend that you need to be keenly looking at if you're thinking about maybe making a move here. We can come out and take a look at your property, give you a free market evaluation, give you some tips of what to do and what not to do, but, more importantly, sit down with you and kind of go over all your closing costs. Okay, you can give me a call at 56190133333 or rickhasdabuyerscom. These trends are heading your way. Okay, there is a rumor out there that interest rates are gonna start taking a tick down. Okay, it's at a high now in that 6.8 to 7%, but this is crazy. I'm hearing numbers like five. So, sellers, you need to be advantage sellers here.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, and also I would say to the listeners that if you are considering a move, I would encourage you to take Rick up on his offer to give you a free market evaluation, because not only is he going to be taking a look at your home and giving you specific recommendations as far as what you can do to prepare it for sale, but he's also going to go in depth into the market stats for your specific area. You could be in a scenario yourself where you have a more limited market, okay, and what I mean by that is, let's say, you live in a country club community or a 55 and older community. Okay, that actually affects the buyer pool for your home, right, it kind of narrows down who it is that's gonna be able to purchase your home. So in those cases, it would benefit you for him to come out and give you like an overview of what's been happening in your specific neighborhood. Okay, how many homes are on the market? How many have been selling? What is your average days on the market that you've been experiencing in your neighborhood?

Rick Kendrick: 

Great. So, kerry, you know we pull together our questions. You know people call us in reference to the show that we have here, and we really enjoyed being on the show because it really gives us an opportunity to get information out there to potential buyers and sellers and what they need to do. So, kerry, we had three questions that you wanted to highlight today. What are they?

Karey Kendrick: 

So one of our listeners wrote in and explained to us that they've had their home on the market for almost six months and they've only had a handful of showings. So what would your advice be to them?

Rick Kendrick: 

Well, number one. I know this is not one of our listings. Okay, so I would say that they need to be evaluating what their agent is doing for them. They need to be evaluating what the price of their property is. Is the listing agent listing the property or are they marketing it? We, on the other hand, we market the property. So if you've only had two showings, there's issues there and you better hit them right up front, because you know them as well as I do. Kerry. If you do not get showings in that first 10 days, what is it?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so it is true that most of your showings should be occurring within the first few weeks of your home going on the market. That's when 80% of the buyers that are in the market would be looking at it. So if you're not getting a lot of activity in the first several weeks, there is an issue.

Rick Kendrick: 

Question two Kerry is what?

Karey Kendrick: 

So we have a listener who's actually under contract to purchase a home and he just performed his home inspection and the inspector let him know that the home had the original roof built in 2006,. But he's in love with it and he wants to know what are his options.

Rick Kendrick: 

Well, first of all he said to Magic Words I'm in love with it and let me tell you, if it's a roof, that is not really a reason why you don't buy it, because you can negotiate that if you have a good agent, okay. We know in Florida the big insurance question today is the age of the roof, right?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so insurance has become a really big issue for Floridians, and the age of the roof is certainly top on the list whenever we're getting insurance.

Rick Kendrick: 

so so the life expectancy of a roof becomes a big thing here because it comes into play as far as your annual premium on it. So my opinion on this would be number one. I would talk to your agent and your inspector and say how much more life expectancy is on the house. Are there any issues with the house? A roof, is there leaking going on, or is there missing tile? If there are any issues, there's issues, but this should not stop you from buying this house that you see and you walked in and go. I love it.

Karey Kendrick: 

Okay. And then the third question is they're buying a home in a community with an HOA. They were getting ready to close and the association actually denied their application. They very confused because they both have good credit and wanna know what their options are.

Rick Kendrick: 

Wow, that just happened to us last week, right Five days before closing, and the homeowners association sent us a little programmed letter saying they were denied. And we could not believe it, because we always checked us out in the VAMS. In fact, last week we had Eric Rosemary with Cross Country Mortgage. This is the reason why we use Eric is because he does make sure. Are they good to go as far as a credit issues concern? Okay, their credit was great, their credit was perfect. So what ended up being is that one of the buyers had a middle initial and they had her social security number wrong and it took us two days to get through the Home Owners Association to make them realize they had the wrong information. And thank God we had Eric, because Eric went and called the Home Owners Association directly and provided them information that gave them a question mark. Like we better double check this. So what happens? They ended up getting the deal.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah. So the team that you're surrounding yourself with is a big deal. You know you don't want to have somebody just accept the denial of your application. You need to have somebody who's proactively willing to stand up for you and figure out what went wrong. And the instance that Rick just spoke about it was just an identity issue, which is very common, obviously. You know there's mix-ups as far as name spellings, middle initials. You know human error typing in the social security number. So you need to have people who are in there, who are willing to fight for you and to figure out what went wrong so that you can get, you know, the approval that you needed so that you can buy the home that you love.

Rick Kendrick: 

So after the break, we are going to talk about prepping your house to get it ready to go on the market. More importantly, overcoming those what we call deal killers in home sales. This is Rick Kendrick. With your home sold, guarantee reality. Stay tuned, we'll be right back.

Dave Sturgeon: 

The schedule and appointment with Rick Kendrick to help you buy or sell your home. Call 561-901-3333 or go to rickhasthebuyerscom. Rick will be right back with more of the your home sold. Guaranteed radio show here on News Talk 850 WFTL.

Jennifer Ross: 

So you're thinking about selling your home, may I suggest someone to call. We'll get to the best price and sell it in like no time. He's a friend of mine, his name is Rick Kendrick and he's from your home sold guaranteed reality of Florida. Hi, it's Jennifer. Rick Kendrick is so confident in his marketing system that he guarantees to sell your home at a price and a timeline that you all agreed to, or he'll buy it for cash. Take Ann and Toby, for instance. They were kind of concerned the market might shift and they didn't want to risk losing any of the equity that they had built up in their Port St Lucie home, so they decided to go ahead and sell. When they learned that Rick Kendrick sells homes for 5.2% more than the average agent, they hired my friend and boom, they came away with an extra 26,000 bucks in their pocket. That extra cash allowed Ann and Toby to pay off debt and downsize into a lovely waterfront condo in Stuart. Give Rick a call today 561-901-3333 that's 561-901-3333 or visit RickHasTheBuyerscom.

Eric Rosemary: 

Hi, I'm Eric Rosemary, branch manager at Cross Country Mortgage in Boca Raton. If you're deciding which lender to trust, whether you're purchasing or refinancing, I would love the opportunity to work with you. Over my 20-year career, I've helped close to 10,000 families buy or refinance the place they call home. Despite what you're hearing about interest rates, you might be surprised, as what we can do for you, let's talk, call or text me at 954-312-3104 or visit rosemarymortgageteamcom.

Cherisma Esteva: 

Hi, I'm Sharisma Stave, a director of operations and licensed closing agent with Performance Title, your trusted partner in Florida. When the conversation with your realtor or mortgage broker turns to title insurance, make sure you ask for Performance Title. With over 17 years experience, we've become a dedicated member of our community and a valuable resource to our clients. Join the Performance Title family today. Call me at 954-748-4890 or visit us online at performtitlecom. That's performtitlecom.

Dave Sturgeon: 

If you're ready to buy or sell your home and would like to schedule an appointment with Rick, call 561-901-3333 or go to rickhasthebuyerscom. Now back to the your home sold guaranteed radio show and your host, Rick Kendrick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Welcome back from the break. This segment we're going to be talking about the big thing preparing your home for sale. You know, two shows ago, kerry, we were talking about the number one thing to do before you put your house on the market. You remember what that was.

Karey Kendrick: 

Call Rick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Call Rick. I like it, yes, but you know, getting that right agent to make it happen, that is top on the list. But there are other items. The other items will get you more money with the least amount of hassle, okay, and getting it sold in a timeframe that you want it. So number two, kerry, is prepping your home for sale, right?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yes, prepping the home for sale is a pretty big deal. Buyers, really, when they walk into your home, you don't want them seeing a lot of little things around the house that they need to take care of, because that's going to affect the price that you get.

Rick Kendrick: 

So you talk about the inside of the house, right? You can imagine you know you send me out there, right? You make me do these listens, and I enjoy them, by the way. But you never know, when you open up that door, what you're going to be looking at. Right, and this is a professional opinion. Sellers don't get offended when I say you need to take down the hog on the wall or a deer mounted. Decluttering your place is a major thing. People want to walk into something that's fresh looking. Personal photos when you say Kerry.

Karey Kendrick: 

Absolutely for sure. Yeah, you want to depersonalize the home as much as you can because, again, when a buyer walks into your home, you want them to envision themselves living there. You're moving right. So it's a great time to go ahead and you know, go to Home Depot or Lowe's, buy a big stack of boxes and then just start clearing out the inside of the home is a big deal.

Rick Kendrick: 

That's what I tell sellers. That's what garages are for. It's not for cars. It's to put you all your boxes right. You ready to sell your house? Start packing right.

Karey Kendrick: 

Absolutely, and it's a great opportunity for you as well to start securing any valuables that you might have, because once the home goes on the market, we're going to be having buyers come through, all right. So if you have, you know, jewelry around the home or sentimental items that are may not be worth money to somebody, but you would be heartbroken if they were to go missing or break or whatnot, or, for instance, firearms, you know, if you have a safe, make sure all that stuff is tucked away.

Rick Kendrick: 

Yeah, I have a gentleman the other day I walked into his house and he got his gun out and he goes. Hey, rick, what should I do with this? I said you need to put that in a safe. He goes. No, I'll go give it to my neighbor across the street. He'll watch it for me. So, sellers, here's what we're saying to you. You want to get the most money out of your place, right? Kerry?

Karey Kendrick: 


Rick Kendrick: 

And the only way you're going to do it is that you make things presentable where they see the value in your place, when they walk into the door, because their place becomes their place.

Karey Kendrick: 

And a lot of folks also question you know, do I need to paint the whole interior of my home? And depending upon what paint color you have, that might be something that you would want to consider. Neutral colors obviously are best, Depending upon the condition of the paint. Rick, when he takes a look at your place he'll give you some advice to that. Obviously, if you have a fuchsia room or a purple room, you know we would probably say, go ahead and paint that a beige color. But it's all going to depend on the condition of the interior of your home, right? Also, having it professionally cleaned, all right. If you have pets, odors are a big deal. Cents can really make a big deal in the minds of buyers. We've had folks who are smokers and they smoke in the garage and that's their rationale, but the buyers that don't. When they walk into your home they can immediately smell it, regardless of where you're smoking.

Rick Kendrick: 

Let's step outside the door for a second. Okay, Curve appeal is pretty important, right. Then driving up is the first thing to do is imagine where they're going to be living, right? So if the flowers are out, it's freshly mulched, the yard is cut all A pluses, right, those things are pretty important. Now, if they drive up and there's mold on the gutters or stains or the yard hasn't been cut, understand, sellers, you're losing value here. This is where you want to make your money. Now let's go back inside AC system. I strongly recommend that you just get it serviced. Get the old filter out. Air filter tells the potential buyer if they really take care of the house, believe it or not. Your termite inspection make sure that's up to date. And if you have a water system in some places like Lotte's Hatchee, there are systems out there that are on water purification systems those filters need to be changed on a regular basis. Be sure to do that. When we get a buyer and they're looking at a house in Lotte's Hatchee, a lot of times they're on well and on septic tank. We strongly recommend our buyers to have those professionally looked at.

Karey Kendrick: 

What Rick is really getting at here is that if you're not maintaining the home, okay, that's a huge red flag in the buyer's eyes, and what that translates into is less money for you, because they don't know what's hiding behind your systems, and so they'll penalize you by offering less money for your home, thinking that they need to budget money for the future to take care of any items that might pop up.

Rick Kendrick: 

So number one find a great agent. Consider your curb repeal, declutter living areas, depersonalize your space, repaint walls to neutral tones, touch up any scuffed marks and fix any loose handles that are on the doors. That's pretty much in a nutshell, right, carrie?

Karey Kendrick: 

Absolutely, and this list may seem overwhelming, but it's not Okay Again, you know Rick will come out to your home and take a look. Okay, you can give him a tour of any upgrades that you've done over the years. You can tell him the age of the roof when your AC was last serviced and he can give you some ideas of what you can do. Okay, that aren't necessarily going to cost you a lot of money, but could potentially make a big impact on the buyers when they're coming in your home and what they're experiencing when they see your home.

Rick Kendrick: 

We have a pretty good program right now. I don't know of any agents in Pompage County or Offerness. It's called our Certified Pre-Own Home Program. Now what we do is this we get a qualified inspector out there to do a pre-inspection. Now, carrie, what this pre-inspection is going to do, it's going to tell them major things that may be issues that you didn't realize. Okay, like you were talking earlier about the roof, right, if an in-home inspector goes there before we put it on the market, we are able to know this information in advance. A pre-inspector will go in there, take care of it, give you a report, show you the report, the goods and the bad and the ugly, and what you do is you have like an advanced checklist of things that you can take care of before that first buyer walks in. The other thing that we do is this and we've run into this situation before We'll actually do a lean search in advance. Okay, you can get at the end of this contract and find out that you may have a problem with your title or that you may have some outstanding remaining leans that are on your property that you need to get resolved. It's a two or three week process to get that taken care of. So we'll do that in advance. Number two we'll offer and this is the comfort of the buyer we'll give the buyer a 12 month home warranty to cover all the appliances, including the AC system. Okay, it's big. A lot of buyers need that comfort and this will give them comfort. And then, more importantly, is this what we do is we put our seal of approval on that house for the buyer, and what I mean by that is that in the first 24 months, if that buyer is not happy with that house, they call us up and we'll sell it for free. How do you like that? I think that's pretty cool stuff. You know, one out of five deals. A lot of times do not go to the end of the closing table because there are things that come up in the inspection report, right, carrie?

Karey Kendrick: 

Yes, yep.

Rick Kendrick: 

And so that in itself getting an inspection becomes a critical issue here.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah. So you don't want your deal to fall apart because of title issues or issues with the inspection report. So the CPO program allows the seller, if they choose to participate in it, to sort of tackle all these issues before the home even goes on the market. Because once you get your property under contract you do not want the deal falling apart, because then you have to put it back on the market, you have to start showing the home again and it can become a major inconvenience. And you also want to know with confidence that once the property does go under contract that you are going to be closing on it.

Rick Kendrick: 

Well, you know, and of course we have our guarantees that we give every seller here, okay, Our reality based selling price, guarantee our honest promise, guarantee communication, guarantee qualified buyers, guarantee all those are automatically in there right off the bat. This is about $18,000 worth of value that we can offer our sellers when we list the property, Carrie. So after the break we're going to go through our feature listings of the week, our buyers and waiting program, and then we're going to talk about the your home. So guarantee reality, go serve big mission. This is Rick Kendrick. We'll be right back.

Dave Sturgeon: 

The schedule and appointment with Rick Kendrick to help you buy or sell your home. Call 561-901-3333 or go to rick has the buyerscom. Rick will be right back with more of the your home sold. Guaranteed radio show here on News Talk 850 WFTL.

Eric Rosemary: 

Hi, I'm Eric Rosemary, branch manager at Cross Country Mortgage in Boca Raton. If you're deciding which lender to trust, whether you're purchasing or refinancing, I would love the opportunity to work with you. Over my 20 year career, I've helped close to 10,000 families buy or refinance the place they call home. Despite what you're hearing about interest rates, you might be surprised, as what we can do for you this is Rick Kendrick. I'm Rick Kendrick and I'm here to help you buy and sell your home.

Cherisma Esteva: 

Hi, I'm Sharisma Stave, Director of Operations and Licensed Closing Agent with Performance Title, your trusted partner in Florida. When the conversation with your realtor or mortgage broker turns to title insurance, make sure you ask for performance title. With over 17 years experience, we've become a dedicated member of our community and a valuable resource to our clients. Join the performance title family today. Call me at 954-748-4890 or visit us online at performtitlecom. That's performtitlecom.

Jennifer Ross: 

Hi, it's Jennifer Rossa and you know if you've been thinking about selling your home, you already know that the only agent that I would recommend to you is my friend, rick Kendrick. He's a broker and founder of your home sold guaranteed Reality of Florida. Now what about the listener who would love Rick to sell but doesn't want to deal with the headaches of cleaning, staging, holding open houses and all that other stuff?

Rick Kendrick: 

Well, jen, we have the perfect solution. First of all, we always like to make our traditional home selling process stress-free. But for the listener who doesn't want to fix up their place, who is inherited a home or simply wants a fast, hassle-free sale, we can make them an immediate cash offer and for that seller to get the most amount of money for their home.

Jennifer Ross: 

Come on, you can do that.

Rick Kendrick: 

Absolutely, Jen. We'll come right over, praise a home, make you a fast, fair cash offer and close as little as three weeks Cash in your hand hard to beat it.

Jennifer Ross: 

Call Rick Kendrick right now that's 5-6-1-9-0-1-33-33 or visit RickHasTheBuyerscom.

Dave Sturgeon: 

If you're ready to buy or sell your home and would like to schedule an appointment with Rick, call 5-6-1-9-0-1-33-33 or go to RickHasTheBuyerscom. Now back to the your home sold, guaranteed radio show and your host, rick Kendrick.

Rick Kendrick: 

Okay, this is our final segment of the show and we do kind of feature our listings for the week. So what we do is that we talk about our buyers and waiting. Mr Seller, if you were thinking about putting your place on the market, we would love to interview for that position. With that in mind, we had, in the last 30 days, 31 buyers that we met with, got them pre-approved and they're basically ready to go. Now, as far as our listings are concerned, we got three properties that went on the contract. Just to give you an idea of sellers, one of our properties we got them on the contract in 32 days. So when we had it was a condo and we got them on the contract in just 12 days. So we were talking earlier about how many days on the market what we had 58, 55, these are well below that. So we do get your place on the market and sold below what the daily averages are out there. So let me talk a little bit about our listings out there, because they're pretty good listings. We have a two bedroom, two bath condo and I just actually I just showed that before it came here. So in North Palm Beach, on Yacht Club Drive man, what a view. This thing is dynamite. It's on the first floor. It's a two bedroom, two bath property Looking at MacArthur State Park right, Kerry and Singer Island, direct Eastern view. Could not get a better view, priced at 5.30. It really has a lot to offer. You're ready to move in and the great thing about being on the first floor is that when you as a buyer you buy a place, If you're on the second or third floor, by law you cannot use a gas grill right, but this is the first floor unit. It has a dock right out front. It's directly on the intercoastal waterway, so that's priced at 5.30. Auto checked out, went out. It's pretty cool. Then let's shoot out to Westlake. We have a four bedroom, two and a half bath. This is the lowest priced per square foot home. It's only two years old. It's priced at 6.48. Over 2,300 square feet, Overlooking a little pond. Oversize lock Hways are low. I encourage you to take a look at that and, Mr Byer, if you are out there looking to make a move, we'd be happy to sit down when you show you these properties. Just give us a call at 561-901333. Carrie, let's talk about the Go Serve Big Mission.

Karey Kendrick: 

Yeah, so we do like to highlight our Go Serve Big Mission at the end of each of our shows. Listeners, we are on a mission to raise $25,000 for various local charities in our market area. So what we do is we do donate a portion of the proceeds from our home sales to these great organizations. So if you're thinking of making a move, we would love the opportunity to work for you.

Rick Kendrick: 

So thank you for taking time to listen to us today. This is Rick Kendrick, with your home, sole guaranteed Realty Florida, serving the Southeast Florida coast. Our network extends all across the country, including Canada. You can call me or text me at 561-901333. Looking forward to next week. Tune in every Sunday at 10 am. We're on 850 WFTL News Talk.

Dave Sturgeon: 

You've been listening to the your Home Sold Guaranteed Radio Show with broker owner Rick Kendrick Heard every Sunday morning here on News Talk 850 WFTL. Rick's company name is his promise your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, To speak directly to Rick about buying or selling your home. Call now to schedule an appointment at 561-901333, or visit rickhasthebuyerscom and mark your calendar to join Rick again next week at the same time For the your Home Sold Guaranteed Radio Show here on News Talk 850 WFTL.

About the author 

Rick Kendrick

Rick Kendrick, a Palm Beach Realtor, is the proud owner of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida. With an exceptional track record, Rick has earned the distinction of being an award-winning real estate agent, placing him among the top one percent of agents in the industry. Headquartered in North Palm Beach, Florida, Rick leads his own Real Estate Team, covering the Southeastern region of Florida, while also maintaining a vast network of agents throughout North America.

Rick's outstanding achievements have not only impressed his clients but have also captured the attention and admiration of prominent media outlets and celebrities alike. Renowned platforms such as Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC have featured Rick, showcasing his expertise to audiences far and wide. His real estate acumen and remarkable success stories have also been shared on popular radio stations, including 850 WFTL News Talk and Sunny 107.9 FM. Listeners are captivated by Rick's wealth of knowledge and his unwavering passion for the industry.

In addition to his accomplishments as a real estate agent, Rick Kendrick is also the charismatic host of a captivating Real Estate Talk Show. Every week, Rick invites esteemed guest co-hosts to join him, creating a dynamic and insightful experience for his audience. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, Rick engages in thought-provoking discussions with his guests, sharing valuable insights, trends, and tips related to the real estate market. The talk show serves as an educational platform, not only for viewers seeking knowledge but also as a stage for industry professionals to share their experiences and expertise. Anyone interested in the world of real estate would find Rick's talk show to be a must-watch, as it offers a unique opportunity to learn and stay informed.


Karey Kendrick, Rick Kendrick

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